Royal Gerbera & Rose Bouquet


300 in stock

Product Details:
  • Flowers:Red Roses & Orange Gerbera
  • Wrapper:White
  • Ribbon:White

300 in stock



Royal Gerbera & Rose Bouquet

The Royal Gerbera & Rose Bouquet is a beautiful mix of bright orange gerberas and bright red roses that will add a touch of class and color to any event. It’s an excellent gift for any occasion because the beautiful mix of white and red colors makes you feel calm and relaxed.



1. Elegant design with a combination of red roses and orange gerbera flowers

2. Fresh, high-quality blooms sourced for maximum beauty and longevity

3. White accents that complement the bold colors, enhancing the bouquet’s royal appeal

4. Carefully arranged for a luxurious and premium look

5.Hand-tied with love and delivered fresh to your doorstep

6. Ideal for gifting to someone you care about, expressing your love and admiration


This beautiful Royal Gerbera & Rose Bouquet will make any event feel royal. Place your order now for a one-of-a-kind flower gift that will remain in your memory.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 12.7 × 12.7 × 12.7 cm


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